
We all yearn for self-sufficiency, especially when it comes to energy. For many homeowners and businesses in Houston, this means installing a solar system. An integral part of any solar setup is the solar inverter, a device that creates usable electricity from the power generated by solar panels. As with any electronic device, issues might arise from time to time necessitating some basic troubleshooting skills. One of the popular brands of solar inverters is Growatt, known for its reliability, efficiency, and affordability.

Even as a Houston solar repair company, we’ve handled many service calls related to this brand. From error codes popping up on the screen to the device failing to turn on altogether, we’ve seen it all. Therefore, we believe this guide will provide homeowners with essential knowledge for a better understanding of their Growatt solar inverters.

Quick Summary

This guide will help you understand common error codes on Growatt solar inverters, their causes, and how you can troubleshoot or resolve them with the help of a solar inverter repairs professional.

Understanding Your Growatt Solar Inverter

Your solar inverter operates as the heart of your solar system, converting DC power from the solar panels into usable AC power for your home. Understanding how it works plays a significant role in troubleshooting these devices when issues arise. The Growatt inverter comes with an interactive LCD screen that displays system information and error codes when things go wrong.

The error codes are designed to help you diagnose problems quickly. Most homeowners can fix the basic issues themselves, while others may need a solar repair specialist.

Common Growatt Solar Inverter Error Codes

Here are the most common error codes you might encounter on your Growatt inverter and what they mean:

  • Error 117 – No AC Connection: When the inverter detects no connection to the grid.
  • Error 114 – Low Insulation Resistance: The inverter is detecting a shortfall in resistance of the PV arrays.
  • Error 116 – Bus Voltage Too High: Indicating the inverter is overloading from too much PV input.
  • Error 118 – Over Temperature: The inverter is overheating due to high ambient temperatures or poor ventilation.
  • Error 102 – Over Frequency: Your grid frequency has exceeded the limit set by the local standard.

Some of these issues require basic solutions like ventilation improvements, while others call for a more professional approach, like limiting PV input. For more in-depth information about common solar inverter problems, check out one of our previous posts.

Troubleshooting Your Growatt Solar Inverter

If you’ve identified an issue with your inverter using the error codes, the next step in the process is troubleshooting. Depending on the issue at hand, you may be able to resolve it with a few simple steps.

Sometimes, the issue would require solar panel cleaning services to ensure the panels are operating optimally. In other instances, you may need to service your solar panels or have a professional fix your Growatt inverter.

Contacting a Solar Repair In Houston

If your Growatt inverter issue persists after troubleshooting, it’s time to contact a solar repair specialist in Houston. A professional technician can diagnose the problem, clarify error codes, and provide relevant solutions. Whether it’s a minor inverter issue or a more complex one that involves other solar components, they have the tools and experience to handle everything.

Remember, always prioritize safety when handling your solar system. Never attempt to open your inverter for any repair or maintenance tasks if you lack the proper training and tools. When in doubt, consult with a solar repair expert in Houston.


Ensuring your Growatt solar inverter is in good working condition is key to uninterrupted solar power supply. By understanding the common error codes and troubleshooting methods, you can ensure your solar system runs optimally for longer. If you come across any issues that you can’t resolve, never hesitate to reach out to our solar inverter repair specialists. We’re more than ready to provide you with swift and professional solar repair services in Houston.


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